Organizational Behaviour Workshop


Workshop Summary

Developing Your Trainers and Staff

A challenging aspect of Organizational Development is Changing behavior. There are numerous challenges for management with change efforts and for the learners with embracing and adapting to behavioral change. In the process of developing your organization’s human capital, how can you ensure that efforts are not derailed by the status quo, system pressures, old patterns, habits and behaviors?

Let us help with training your trainers and staff with our enhanced methods that tap into psychology of behavior change, behavioral economics, persuasive communication, habit formation and process transformation.
Gain insights on human behavior in your organizations through communication, motivation, group dynamics, leadership, power, performance management, information technology, and organizational design and development.

Acquire a foundation in interpersonal efficacy, conflict resolution, talent acquisition and engagement. Obtain competencies in intensive subject areas, such as change management. Shaping organizational objectives and mission into internal thought for both internal and external action. Training on leadership and management development practices through participative learning and informed research.

This Leadership and management workshop will develop skills and competencies in helping your team embrace change. Learn ways in which you can develop your team to: anticipate change and guide their reactions to change, create the changes you want, understand your organization, identify desired outcomes and develop well-grounded intervention strategies to achieve change, and communicate data driven decision making.

Workshop Excerpt:

Groundbreaking insights from organizational theorists and practitioners such as Mintzberg Typology (The glue that holds the organization together- open system theory, contingency theory and understanding decision making), Morgan (interlocking parts that play clearly defined roles in the functioning of the whole), Taylor (most efficient ways of doing work) Gilbreth (redesigning jobs), Fayol (centralized control-dangers of seeing the organization as a machine, understanding the nervous system of an organization), Weber (Bureaucracy-legitimate domination, legal authority)
Organizational Behavior workshops are uniquely tailored to enhance and engage your team and help them deliver results. Let us explore insights on how you can build the business you really want and how you can distinguish your business..

We help our clients build the best organizational performance teams in the world

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