Human Resources Management & Development


Workshop Summary

Can Your HR Leaders Deliver on Your Growth Strategy?

Human Resource Management & Development Workshop Training for your human resources to discover ways in which they can use their strategic role to add more value to your organization.

The Key is not Value Proposition, but rather Value Delivery. Learn key insights from global conversations with CEOs, Directors, Senior Executives on how to match business models with current business realities.

Learn how to make the human resources function, knowledgeable and invested partners with other executives in charting a path for organizational strategy.

Be a part of engaging conversations, case studies, scenarios on how to examine current culture versus desired culture. How can HR be strategic in helping an organization marry talent and role requirements (input) with mission requirements (business output).

Workshops for Human Resources Development will center on: Building HR Competencies, Structuring HR Capabilities, Setting the Standard for How HR Generates Value, Setting HR Metrics & Analytics, Engaging Acquired Talent and Human Capital, Diagnosing Organizations and Enhancing Organizational Design, Leading Organizational Change and Organizational Learning Strategies.

Workshop Overview:


Understand the changing nature of HR and how HR greatly impacts business results


Understand required behaviors and competencies for effective HR professionals


SWOT analysis of HR competency areas


Identify relevant competencies for current career and future goals


Creating a structured action change plan to deliver business results.

We will work with you and your team to deliver workshops and training on any or all the areas mentioned above.
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