Accelerating Organizational Performance


Workshop Summary

Let Us Let You in On a Little Gold Nugget

Organizations are not simply an aggregation of individuals who can be selected, indoctrinated and hope for improved effectiveness and performance. Organizations are Complex Systems of Interacting Elements that includes Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships.

Learn more about how these are defined by

Organizational Structure, Policies and Processes, Leadership imei Styles, Individual & Cultural Differences. Learn How the
Accumulation and Interaction of these Elements drive Organizational Behavior.

Why do most Training Programs Fail?


Organizational systems—which define roles, responsibilities, and relationships—have a strong impact on individuals' mindsets and behavior.


Organizations need “fertile soil” in place before the “seeds” of training interventions can grow.


Improvements are greater in organizations that develop a “psychologically safe” climate in which subordinates feel encouraged to Speak Up


Learning and Training achieve the most results when Organizational Change and Development efforts are championed by Senior Leaders.

“If the System does Not Change, It Cannot Support Individual Behavioral Changes, It Will Simply Set Its People Up for Failure”.

We help our clients build the best organizational performance teams in the world

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